Robin White
Robin White’s hard-edged paintings of rural New Zealand and its people are comparable with Don Binney‘s and Michael Smither’s work, acknowledging their origins in the Regionalist movement paintings of the mid 20th century and the influence of artists such as Rita Angus.
White graduated from the Elam School of Fine Arts (University of Auckland, New Zealand) in 1968 and quickly established a reputation with paintings of well known ‘culture heroes’ such as Sam Hunt (a poet and performer). Her work from 1968 to 1979 often depicted a single, isolated figure set against the landscape, and similarly to her Regionalist predecessors, the clarity and economy of her images celebrated the vitality of New Zealand ‘s rural culture and counter culture communities of the 1970s.
As a member of the Baha’i faith, White moved to Kiribati in the South Pacific in 1979. There she was constrained by a lack of art supplies and so she worked as a printmaker, using woodcuts to depict images of domestic life and began to work with traditional textiles. She returned to live in New Zealand in 1999.
Te Papa Store Collection of exclusive fine art prints, reproductions are drawn from the Te Papa Collections. Each print is formatted to best represent the works. Each print is sampled and colour tested alongside the original. Te Papa Photography have re-photographed works that may not have been photographed over the last 10 years to ensure Te Papa store has the latest up to date digital files for printing.
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