Illustrated Publishing
Kuwi's Fluey Huwi - Ko Huwi Māuiui - Te Reo Māori
Te reo Māori translated edition of the bestselling ‘Kuwi's Fluey Huwi'.
Nā Kat Merewether i tuhi
Written and Illustrated by Kat Quin – Illustrated Publishing
Nā Pānia Papa i whakamāori
Translated by Pānia Papa
Kuwi tests... Glittering goo made from glow worm poo, but Huwi’s sniffles stubbornly stay. A raw claw concoction made by a tatty tuatara, but Huwi’s chill still stays. Flutter therapy offered by a friendly fantail whānau, but Huwi’s sniffles peskily persist!
DIMENSIONS: 240 mm x 240 mm
BIND: Stitch perfect bound, gate-fold, soft cover
ISBN: 9781738590476
The Kuwi the Kiwi series is a proud supporter of Save the Kiwi Trust, donating a portion of each book sale to support kiwi conservation projects in New Zealand. The series has donated in excess of $65,000 to date.